Welcome to Uncommon Women!
On behalf of myself and all the ladies here at uWomen, we are so glad that you are here!
Our desire is to KNOW God, GROW strong in our faith, and DO what God has called us to do. We place a high value on community, and champion each other in our walk with God and pursuing His call on our lives.
When you are new, we know it can sometimes be a bit challenging to figure out how to connect and what we do, so consider this page your 'inside scoop' to finding out all about uWomen so you can jump right in.
A brunch on a Saturday morning where we have community around the table, eat yummy food, and hear an encouraging word on various topics. It's a great place to bring a friend, or make some new ones.
Extended one-night event where we pursue God corporately. There is worship, ministry time, a message and a lot of fun and refreshment after the service. It's the perfect girl's night out for all the Jesus-girls out there!
Our biggest event of the year where we set aside two days to corporately pursue God, receive personal ministry, worship, pray and hear from powerful guest speakers.
These are online classes where I pop on to teach on specific topics that can help you grow spiritually. Things like Bible Study, the Holy Spirit, goal setting, prayer and so on. You can join in live from anywhere via zoom.
We meet in small groups (uGroups) during our three uGroup semesters. These groups vary in style from Bible study to more community based. We have a Spring, Summer and Fall semester. (Search by "women" in the demographics and you'll find a list of all the girl-groups.)
We are reading through the Bible together using a plan called The Daily Bread. You can hop on anytime during the year and read along with us!
You can find links to these things below. And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at women@uncomonchurch.tv
Whatever the event is, our goal is to create community for women who love Jesus, and provide ways for you to grow closer to Jesus, strengthen your faith, and equip you to do what God has called you to do.
With much love,
Josie Carignan
Uncommon Church